A character controller asset for Godot Engine. This is inspired by the movement in Ocarina of Time.

The source code is available at https://github.com/tkeene/project-white-deer There's also a roadmap for more features I'd like to add. Suggestions and feedback are appreciated.


  • Awful programmer art
  • Camera can be rotated horizontally
  • Camera detects walls and pulls in to avoid them
  • Detects ledges/chasms and jumps off of them
  • Can glide for air control and slower descent
  • Detects knee-high ledges and hops up onto them
  • Detects high ledges, jumps to grab the corner, then climbs up onto them
  • Climbs vertically and horizontally on climbable surfaces using physics layers (they're green in the demo)
  • A short dash
  • Simple drop shadow
  • Can stab things with a sword
  • Can charge up a sword spin attack
  • You can juggle boxes for a high score

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